Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ah... Another one of those mind-bending, headache-inducing, deep existential questions. Who are you... I could answer by saying Oceane, but my name is not who I am, but merely a group of squiggly lines that form letters. So what do I say? Well, I believe a person is defined by their past, their present, and their future. Or more precisely, their background, their actions, and their ambitions, so I guess I can start there.

I'm a Franco-Chinese-American who was born in the state of sunshine, Florida. As far as I can remember, my mom and dad have always been separated, and the first few years of my life were spent in the wonderful company of my Cantonese grandmother. I then proceeded to move four times in ten years from Florida to Washington to France to Florida until finally settling down in the little town of Milton, Massachusetts. These moves, along with the fact that my mom has been married and divorced four times, have made me hard to become attached to people and places, and adaptable to change.

As of right now, my present, I am the nerd that sits in the front of the class with the answer to everything. I regret to inform myself that the center of my life is school. My actions consist of doing homework, practicing my instrument, and reading for the fun of it. These actions define me as a person. I am a scholar, I am a musician, I am a violinist, I am music, I am a book worm and a fiction fanatic. However, I still occasionally have time to be a loyal friend, a worthy fencing competitor, and a loving daughter.

I am the person who wants to be successful. Who wants to get married, have kids, and grow old. My future consists of going to college, getting a dog, and planting a tree. I am the girl who wants to see the world and travel. I know what I want with my life, and my ambition defines who I am today. 

 The one thing that has been, and will be, consistently there for me is my family. In my past, my present and (hopefully) my future they encourage me in everything I do. My dad always tells me to be myself, but what does that really mean? Actually, it means to be him, because out of all the people in the world, my dad is the person who has made me the person that I am today. So honestly, if you really want to know who I am, don't ask me, because I haven't got a clue, ask my family.

1 comment:

  1. Oceane, this is wonderful. Technically, this is flawless. Stylistically, this is super engaging. Logically, it is sound. I particularly like how you weave the past, present, and future concept throughout. I also respect the brutal honestly with which you address the question. Your writing exudes confidence and self-awareness, but also a legitimate humility, as evidenced by your willingness to credit your family. I look forward to an awesome year working with you.
