Wednesday, September 4, 2013

      To be a democracy, the people must have equal rights and opportunities. Without the people, there is no democracy. Each person in a democracy contributes to his country in some way shape or form. Whether that be in who they vote for in the presidential election or what their opinions are about foreign affairs. Public education gives the people the knowledge to creating their own opinions and ideas.
     Public education is not prevalent throughout the world. Despite that, Americans get the chance to attend a public school and learn about different subjects that may intrigue them. These different choices make people different from one another. Without knowledge, how can a person succeed? The ability to read, write, think and decipher is all taught through public education. Public schools are meant to give some sort of knowledge to the students so they can be prepared to succeed later in life. Students that absorb the information given to them will be able to make important decisions that may impact our future. The country cannot improve without the new generation. The public schools help improve our country by training the new generation into becoming the ones who make up our democracy. 
     One way to have students make their own decisions is in debates or group discussions. The class is given a question in which they formulate ideas and opinions that are discussed with the class. Sometimes, the class divides into groups. The groups have to support an idea and the students in the group talk with each other and help contribute. Debates are fun to partake in but in my opinion, more interesting to see all of the other groups' ideas. To see all of the students working hard and challenging one another is an important thing to have in public schools.
     Democracy needs a public education system if the country wants to grow and improve. To be able to work in a safe environment where people have the chance to learn is vital to the country. Without this environment created for the people, what can the people give to its country in return? The answer to this question is what makes students want to succeed in their future.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Matt. What you write makes sense. I have a few suggestions that might make this post more engaging for your reader. First, there are some technical mistakes. The expression "some way shape or form" is a serialized list of nouns. Therefore, they must be separated by commas. Second, you do a nice job in your third sentence maintaining consistency with the pronouns you use. You use the singular pronoun "his" to replace the singular antecedent "each person." This is good; most kids mess this up. Unfortunately, in your next sentence, you use the plural pronoun "they" to replace the same singular antecedent. This is a mistake. The final sentence in this paragraph similarly contains an error. I think you meant to write "to create" instead of "to creating." Taken individually, these mistakes might not be a big deal. However, considering that they are all in your first paragraph, I, as your reader, am immediately distracted.

    Be careful to proofread carefully.

    Also, you might want to look into the prevalence of public education around the world. I imagine, but I could be wrong, that more countries than you think have systems of public education. I know what you are trying to say. Perhaps you could have been more specific than: "Public education is not prevalent throughout the world."
