Tuesday, September 3, 2013


      The citizens of The United States of America are privileged to enjoy the prosperous democracy that this country has today. Individuals must not take the privilege of participating in this democratic society for granted. The goal of the public education system is to ensure that students are prepared to make intelligent decisions that benefit the nation as a whole. The public schools should strive to guarantee that the students’ opportunity to help better their country is not squandered.
      A democracy leaves the power in the hands of the country's people. The education process guides the student to handle the power that he or she is given appropriately and effectively. For the student to successfully manage the power that is given to him or her, the schools prepare the individual to make the best choices he or she can make.
      The choices in the United States democracy that may arise are electing an official to represent the people or voting for the best policy to help the nation prosper. When choices like the ones previously mentioned in the last sentence occur, the voters must weigh their options to make the best decision. The public school system is responsible for providing the knowledge the voters need to make the best choice that will help their country. The voters’ situation is comparable to a Native American in the pre-Columbian era. If the young Native boy was not properly taught how to hunt, then he would not help his tribe prosper because he did not successfully capture an animal for his tribe to benefit from. In the previously described scenario, the Native boy represents the student who needs knowledge to make wise decisions in a democratic society and the school system represents the elders who should have taught the young boy to hunt. The public education system strengthens the students’ abilities to benefit their country. In the microeconomics class at Milton High School, the student learns about economic policies and how those policies affect the country. The knowledge gained in the microeconomics class helps the individual choose the best president because the student learned the economic policies and can decipher which president uses the policies more effectively.
      A student is promoted by the school to live successfully and provide for his or her self on a daily basis. The education system should guide the students in the direction of giving to the country and not taking away from the county, for example, the welfare system. Promoting and preparing the student to be an outstanding member in the democratic society who makes educated decisions helping the nation is the focus of the public education system in The United States of America.

1 comment:

  1. Denis, this post is very logical, and I think you have a firm grasp of the importance of preparing students to contribute to our democracy. This was the purpose that Horace Mann had in mind when he proposed that Massachusetts begin a system of publicly-funded common schools.

    In addition, you write this post very well. On a technical level, this post is very strong. In fact, it is flawless. That said, your writing does not have much life. I get the sense that you were so concerned about technical precision - which I thank you for - that you failed to ensure that your writing would be engaging. For example, you write, "like the ones previously mentioned in the last sentence." This could have easily been replaced simply with "these." Similarly, you write, "In the previously described scenario." Because this immediately follows the "scenario," you can assume that the reader does not need this wordy introduction.

    Finally, look at your first two paragraphs. They don't really introduce your idea very well. Look at each sentence individually. Each sentence does not logically follow from the sentence before it. As a result, I struggled to understand what, exactly, you were going to write about. However, once I get to the middle of your third paragraph, your angle becomes apparent.

    Regardless, this post is very good. Thank you.
