Sunday, November 17, 2013

              Surely many people have heard the song "Walking On Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves. Because of the upbeat melody and joyful lyrics, imagining a music video for the song is easy. A simple approach at creating a music video for this song would probably include something along the lines of the singer and her band standing in front of the camera in a sunny environment, many bright colors,  and dancing around. This approach would be to simply entertain the audience and promote the song. However, the actual video created has much more meaning behind it.
             The opening scene reveals a dirty, run-down. and what seems to be vacant lot of grey brick buildings. The sky is dark and gloomy, with no sun to be found. If the video were on mute, nothing would lead one to believe that the song accompanying it was about "walking on sunshine". But despite the look of the sky, the singer is as happy as if the sun was really shining. There is obvious reasoning for this decision, considering how this is the complete opposite of the lyrics and feeling of the song. As the singer moves from one place to the next, the settings appear to get darker and gloomier, including a creepy, graveyard-like stretch of dying grass and lifeless trees surrounded by thick fog, and a stormy river scene masked again by fog. But the smile on the face of the singer never fades, and the lyrics never reveal the slightest amount of negativity. The juxtaposition of the negative setting and the cheerful song attempts to prove to the audience that anyone can make a bad situation into a positive one.
             She continues to support her belief that making something positive out of something negative is possible by adding three men in dark grey coats that follow her around throughout the video. These men represent the potential events that could bring down her optimistic mood. The men are glum and colorless and have the intent to make her feel the same way. The singer stands proud and determined to block out any negativity. She has a skip in her step as she sings. She can see these three men, but ignores their pessimistic moods. Her mood does not diminish, in fact it seems to get even happier. She emphasizes that life will throw obstacles in your way to try to get you down and ruin your mood, but that you should carry on and act as if they aren't there. The three men eventually grow tired. They see their efforts are failing. One even trips, symbolizing that they just can't achieve their goal.
            The singer uses the power of music as her last way of letting the audience know her intent. In between the clips of gloomy settings, there are clips of her on a stage with her band, colorful clothing and lights surrounding them, and everyone looking happy. Eventually she leads the three negative men towards her destination, which is her stage to perform music. She knows that music will get anyone into a better mood. There are changes in each of their attitudes, and the colors of the video go from boring and dark to colorful and happy.
             The main woman in the video possesses a very unique quality. She is able to make a bad day into a good one, and it is clear that she wants to help others feel the same way. This music video showcases that through the contrasting clips, colors and the symbolism of the three men.

1 comment:

  1. Julia, this is really a strong analysis. You both write and interpret well. You have found a cool video to look at. You're right, the lyrics and the images in the video do not appear to correspond, and this conflict is the foundation of the artist's purpose. I didn't get this when I first watched it. I was confused. I really don't have much to offer in terms of criticism. I respect that you have explored specific details and that you have captured the most noticeable rhetorical strategies.

    You also write very well. You might want to be careful of your parallelism. In this sentence, you seem to violate the rules of parallelism: "...standing in front of the camera in a sunny environment, many bright colors, and dancing around." Technically, this is a bit choppy.

    Other than this small issue, you do a great job with this. Thanks.
