Sunday, February 23, 2014

Junior Research Paper Image Analysis

Your next two or three online journal assignments will prepare you to write your junior research papers. As I have told you, I’m hoping that these assignments will force you to do some pre-writing for your papers, and that this will save you time when you eventually sit down to write.

This week, I would like you to do one of two things. Using 300-400 words, start drafting the part of your argument that uses your image as evidence. Remember, you are all required to use at least one image. Ultimately, you will use this image as evidence in your argument. You should use the image to help you support, refute, or qualify the argument that your primary text makes. Or, if you are not quite ready to start making your own argument, you may conduct a brief rhetorical analysis of your image. This should also be between 300-400 words.

Regardless of which option you choose, you should not worry too much about writing the perfect paragraphs that can be later inserted into your final paper. This will be impossible without having already outlined your paper. At this point, I recommend that you write this post as if it were a completely separate assignment, with no relationship to a larger paper.

I will ask you all to embed a copy of your image into your final papers. Therefore, you should all try to find a digital copy of your image online. Please embed a copy of this image into your post. Do not just include a link. Embed the actual image.  If you cannot find a digital copy of the image you intend to use in your paper, I encourage you to find some way to convert the hard-copy image you have into a digital copy.  This might take a little bit of creativity, but it should be by no means impossible.

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